
Hey, welcome to Angle!

We used to be Shoot My Travel, but we've rebranded and revamped our services.

Which means it's still us, just better, and we're ready to connect you with the best photographers around the world!

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  • Duo


Berlin, Germany

About me

My name is Duo, residing in a living, breathing neighborhood in the heart of Berlin.
Not a party lover, not an alcoholic, not boring.
I love all things autumn related, cactus, roaming the street on a Saturday afternoon, good design, good coffee, binge reading on Medium, bike rides, staying in, deep conversations, cinematic music, very old wooden houses in the countryside, location scouting, laughing, making toasts at 6 a.m, suddenly remembering a dream that I’ve long forgotten, and crafting.
Come as your photographer, leave as your friend.
View more work on Instagram: @heyitsduo
