
Hey, welcome to Angle!

We used to be Shoot My Travel, but we've rebranded and revamped our services.

Which means it's still us, just better, and we're ready to connect you with the best photographers around the world!

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  • Hendro


Bali, Indonesia

About me

Hi there! I’m Hendro from North Sumatra, originally from Java and I stay in Bali for 4 years now. I move a lot because I realized that the world is too big to only stay in one place, if we don’t start to travel then when? I’ve started my journey as a photographer since I was in high school so I've devoted a lot of time meeting with new friends. From there I’m not only learn how to understand about body angles but also people’s characteristics, feeling and mood. I’m not a "portrait photographer" but more to... a soul photographer. I always want my pictures to tell stories and Bali have told me a lot! Would you like to be a part of them?
