
Hey, welcome to Angle!

We used to be Shoot My Travel, but we've rebranded and revamped our services.

Which means it's still us, just better, and we're ready to connect you with the best photographers around the world!

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  • Jovana


Denver, Colorado, USA

About me

My name is Jovana Bjelanovic and I began my arts career as a young kid. At the age of 13, I began going to acting school and learning the essentials of commercial and camera work. I was very natural at this and throughout my high school career, I always volunteered to act in videos that my classmates would make in the program. When I moved onto College, I majored in film at the University of Colorado Denver and took multiple acting courses that helped expand my knowledge and interest in acting. I studied everything from gaffer to cinematography and over time became a master at all of the Adobe products. I’m generally referred to as a jack of all trades, considering I’ve specialized in a little bit of everything in the arts program.
